Adhere to specific standards for safety and usability, including specifications for track width, gradient, and other crucial design elements for both existing and future tracks.
2. Safety Procedures for Cyclists:
Cyclists should follow safety procedures such as proper signaling, maintaining control, and being aware of other cyclists and track conditions.
3. Track Maintenance:
Regularly inspect, clean, and repair the track to ensure it remains safe and functional.
4. Access and Usage:
Establish clear rules for access and usage, including hours of operation and restrictions on certain types of bicycles or activities.
5. Emergency Procedures:
Implement clear emergency procedures with designated first aid stations and emergency contact information available to all users.
6. Educational Programs:
Consider educational programs for new cyclists to teach track etiquette, safety, and proper use.
7. Monitoring and Evaluation:
Regularly monitor track usage and condition to make necessary adjustments to the SOP, including feedback from users and adjustments based on usage patterns and safety incidents.